Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Question #4

How is your church helping you understand this issue?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Question #3

Is there a place in the church for people who are homosexual or involved in a same-sex relationship?

If yes, where do they fit in?

If no, why should there not be a place?

Friday, May 26, 2006

Question #2

I find it interesting that most, if not all, responses to question 1 (How do you define marriage?) mentioned both God and government but then focused on one or the other as being more important. If not more important, at least more significant in Canada.

Without unfairly putting words in anyone's mouth, it may be safe to make at least two assumptions. One: those who emphasized God in their answer would likely say marriage is more of a spiritual act. And two: those who emphasized government in their answer would likely say marriage is more a legal act. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Question #2: Is it possible to bring God and government together?

(PS ... feel free to keep discussing question one ...)

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