Friday, May 26, 2006

Question #2

I find it interesting that most, if not all, responses to question 1 (How do you define marriage?) mentioned both God and government but then focused on one or the other as being more important. If not more important, at least more significant in Canada.

Without unfairly putting words in anyone's mouth, it may be safe to make at least two assumptions. One: those who emphasized God in their answer would likely say marriage is more of a spiritual act. And two: those who emphasized government in their answer would likely say marriage is more a legal act. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Question #2: Is it possible to bring God and government together?

(PS ... feel free to keep discussing question one ...)

Not in this day and age
I think it would take nothing short of a miracle to bring them together now!
The Government has gone too far in trying to take God out of everything, ie, no more school prayers, Sunday openings so everyone has to work the same as any other day, now they have even said the shops can stay open on all holidays so its just a matter of time now before they let them open Christmas Day as well!
Most Government officials, 'say' they are praying for guidance to lead our Country, but I can see no evidence that is a true statement, so to answer your question, its too late now and there has been too much water under the bridge for the Government to backtrack and bring God back into the lives of Canadians, that would be admitting they were wrong and we all know they never do that!
Since Steven Harper is a professing Christian, you would assume that he is seeking God’s direction in the governmental decisions. I’ve heard that Harper has also been ending many of his speeches with “God bless Canada.” I remember reading an article in Macleans recently that said that a majority of Canadian citizens (maybe 55% or in that range) didn’t have a problem with this.

To answer your question, I don’t see the connection of God and government to be obvious to the public, but I believe that now more than recent years, Christianity has become an influencing factor within our nation’s political landscape.
Through God, all things are possible- but this does seem very far away at this time. This nation was founded on Christian principles, so some of that is still in existance - despite some people trying to remove anything related to Christianity in public. It still thrives in many ways. Are we closer with this Government ? Maybe but I am not sure that we can undo what has been done. We need to be able to discern, with God's help, where to fight and where to just accept.
Perhaps the question for the follower of Jesus Christ is, which comes first, following Him or the Government? We are to honour and pray for our Government, but where is our highest loyalty? When do we honourable disagree or even resist the Government or their policies when they contradict the higher law of God?
Regarding our goverments choice to approve same-sex unions and call them marriages, I have a higher loyalty that sees it differently. God instituted marriage as a union between a man and a woman. There may be lots of other committed unions, that I may or may not approve of, but they are not marriages by God's definition. Just because the government says they are marriages doesn't make it so.
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