Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Question #3

Is there a place in the church for people who are homosexual or involved in a same-sex relationship?

If yes, where do they fit in?

If no, why should there not be a place?

If you are asking if there is a place in the church for these people as a leader, meaning, a minister, teacher, elder ect; then my answer is no there is not. The Bible is very explicit as to what is required of anyone in these positions so therefore they would be in no position to teach or councel anyone else since they have not got their own lives in order yet or recognize that what they are doing with their life is wrong in the eyes of the Lord.
If the question is to mean, should we accept these people in our church if they want to come to the services ect, then yes we should accept them. We as Christians should never turn anyone away. Jesus ate and drank with the sinners, how else are we to reach them?
Language is very important in society today and is becoming increasingly important. The same sex marriage issue underlines this. First, marriage is a spiritual relationship. It was conceived by God and continues on to be administered by God. The state thought that it was a good idea to cash in this relationship. That is why you have to register your relationship with the state and buy a marriage license as well as stating your marital status on your income tax return. Objectively speaking, these are two separate worlds.
There has been no question, in recent memory, of whether or not non-Christians or more aptly non-Catholics could marry. Although, these individuals do not share Christian religious thought, they were allowed to be married. Hence the first division of spiritual marriage and that of outsiders from the community. But was that really marriage? From a definitional standard, it should not have been. The same-sex question is the same thing. My thoughts are that we cannot not call it marriage, even though it is flawed terminology. My personal opinion is that marriage is separate from the civil aspect of it. Most probably there should be two separate ceremonies. We failed, as believers in allowing non-believers to call themselves married - we are failing with the same sex question as well.
Neither of those is marriage but in this society we do not like to tell anyone that they are different. Why same sex individuals want to be referred to as married is beyond me. Over many disucssions and friendships with them, they have always told me that they are different but not unequal - I agree. This is certainly a parting from that thought. I also believe that if the issue can leave the public spotlight, it will become less of an issue.
When I first read the question the first thing that came to mind was no, we should not have them even in our churches but then thinking of a situation how can I say no! There was a couple in our church that he was very much involved in the gay society until he met his now wife and became a Christian. I will never forget the comment he made during a testimony one day when he said "its a lifestyle - not something we are born to". How true. He now is a wonderful Christian man and has a great wife. So I guess, how can we not allow them in our churches. As leaders of any kind? A very definate no!
I think bev jee said it very well. I would " ditto " that. is to
I agree with bev jee. Leadership can take place in many areas, and that becomes that concern..Where to draw the line - is one a leader if serving on committees, fellowship etc.
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